The Seal Children by Jackie Morris has been republished in this captivating edition by Otter-Barry Books.
The water colours on every page are a joy in themselves and you can spend so much time just looking as they portray the story in picture.
The story is about a fisherman who falls in love with a Selkie – half woman, half seal – she gives him her seal skin as a sign of her love, and bears him two children, Ffion and Morlo, before returning to her own people. When a stranger comes to the village, telling of a land far away, the children remember their mother’s stories of the cities of gold and pearls beneath the waves….
This is a wonderful book from Jackie Morris. Presented in a beautiful new gift edition, this is a haunting story of love and freedom, for all ages.
‘A lyrical story with beautifully painted watercolours’ – Books for Keeps
A book for everyone to have, in the home to share, and to read alone, in schools for all sorts of projects in education and in the libraries. It is a book that definitely will not be staying long on the shelves but will be on the table, by the rug or in the fireside chair ready to be read time and time again.
Recommended for all ages and especially for me!!
Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout
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