Atmospheric and immensely moving, this is the story of a family experiencing a bush fire in Australia. The aftermath is a harsh reality for a family whose home is in the middle of the woods.
It is though, a story of healing and reconciliation. Lives are changed but not broken, there is a future through the devastation.
‘ We drive in silence, with the windows down. The hills are bald, with black spikes where the trees used to be. I don’t recognise any of the old familiar turns or corners. I don’t recognise anything’.
Before the fire this family in Australia have fun and do all the normal things that families do. After the fire they eventually return and start all over again.
In real life it didn’t always work out so well.
A great picture book style story of a real life event with some changes. What an accolade to the author, Ella Holcombe and also to the illustrator David Cox, for setting the atmosphere so well.
Allen and Unwin, publishers have terrific books which are meaningful, good to read and so well produced. The House on the Mountain is well up there and especially as a reminder of Black Saturday.
Highly recommended for all ages.
Sue Martin
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