The best venue for those interested in Children’s Books is Bologna Children’s Bookfair, March 30th – April 2nd 2015.
The country focus this year at Bologna is Croatia and there are a wealth of countries from all over the globe with fascinating workshops and stands.
Books Go Walkabout is especially interested in the Digital Café,
Meeting with Dust or Magic
Speakers: Warren Buckleitner, Chris Meade, Louise Carleton-Gertz and Kristin Heitmann
Organized by: Children’s Tech Review
An impromptu coffee with Warren Buckleitner (Children’s Tech Review), to discuss the state of children’s tech.
Last year Walker Books, Australia, won the Bologna Prize for Best Children’s Publisher of the Year – Oceania Region.
A great achievement and we are pleased to be working closely with Walker Books Australia and their authors.
Stay on line, if you can’t make it to Bologna and listen to some amazing stories.
This blog will keep you in touch, or join us on Twitter @booksgowalk
Sue Martin at Books Go Walkabout
Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.
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