A brand new series of books from The British Library, which bring collections of materials to children. Moments in History is the first book in the series and is newly published on 9th March 2017.
It is a brilliant book to pick up and read from cover to cover or to just delve into and have an adventure of learning. I spent ages on The Battle of Little Bighorn and became totally engrossed! The nuggets of information and beautiful images make it a very compelling read as well as a starting point for further exploration and research. It will be a ‘must have’ book for teachers to embark on a history project.
Moments in History spans the dawn of civilisation to the Second World War,and is aimed at children from 8-11 years who are interested in the past, and want to find out more about people who made history – artists and architect, soldiers and explorers, politicians and religious leaders.
The author is Clare Hibbet who has written and edited over 200 books. She specialises in natural history, art and culture and is published with DK, QED Heinemann and others.
The British Library is one of the worlds greatest research libraries. It publishes a large number of books and publications and children’s books are a recent addition to the list of publications.
Their collections of materials is huge, 150 million items with 10 million people accessing online material each year.
Gathering evidence for research will be enhanced enormously by this book and future books in the series; using secondary evidence sources such as images and materials from The British Library will help young learners become historians of the future.
Revolutions, A Moment in History, very much enjoyed and recommended.
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Sue Martin Books Go Walkabout
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