The skies are full of so many things and this newly published book is packed full of all you could ever want to know about life above our eyes.
The Skies Above My Eyes is written by Charlotte Guillain and illustrated by Yuval Zommer, published by Words and Pictures, who have produced this beautiful book in an explosive style format.
You can lift out all the pages in one go. The bottom pages are the closest to the earth reaching high into the skies through the stratosphere, thermo-sphere and crossing the Karman Line into space.
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It’s a dream book for anyone interested in the skies and our planet.
Charlotte Guillain lives in the UK and writes fiction and non fiction for children. Her book, The Street Beneath My Feet was shortlisted for the UKLA 7-11 Book Award 2018. She writes in a style that appeals to all and enables bite size pieces of information to be presented in very easily digested chunks!
Yuval Zommer graduated from the Royal College of Art and after working in advertising is now successfully illustrating children’s books. His debut book was much acclaimed,called The Big Blue Thing on the Hill.
Words and Pictures are part of the Quarto group and have some amazing books, of which The Skies Above My Eyes is one of the best.
Recommend for all ages and especially for 6-9 years
Sue Martin
Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.
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