50 Things You should Know about the Human Body by Angel Royston
This has everything you would need to know about the Human Body, unless you are about to embark on a medical degree!!
The facts are really clearly presented with illustrations that are accurate and easy to identify how parts of the body are working. The pages are well laid out and text and illustrations are combined to make an engaging impact. Each section has a different colour and the glossary and index at the back of the book will point the reader to the right places in the book without being off putting to children with any reading difficulties.
The start of the 50 Things You Should Know About Series from QED Publishing, well worth buying for home, school or the library. We suggest the book for 6-9 year olds and beyond.
50 Things You should Know about Pre-Historic Britain by Claire Hibbert
From The Old Stone Age, through the Ice Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and touching on the Romans, this book has everything you need to start work on prehistoric Britain and to lead the reader into all sorts of interesting directions.
Particularly good section on an Iron Age Village and dwellings in Scotland called, crannogs, brochs and wheelhouses. For instance a crannog is a roundhouse that stood on a jetty and Loch Tay there were 18 crannogs.
We suggest the book for 6 – 9 year olds and beyond.
Great new series from QED Publishing and is part of their new books published in November 2015.
Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout
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