50 Things You Should Know About Series from QED. Human Body, Prehistoric Britain

50 Things H Body50 Things You should Know about the Human Body by Angel Royston

This has everything you would need to know about the Human Body, unless you are about to embark on a medical degree!!

The facts are really clearly presented with illustrations that are accurate and easy to identify how parts of the body are working. The pages are well laid out and text and illustrations are combined to make an engaging impact. Each section has a different colour and the glossary and index at the back of the book will point the reader to the right places in the book without being off putting to children with any reading difficulties.

The start of the 50 Things You Should Know About Series from QED Publishing, well worth buying for home, school or the library. We suggest the book for 6-9 year olds and beyond.

50 Things You should Know about Pre-Historic Britain by Claire Hibbert 50 Pre His

From The Old Stone Age, through the Ice Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and touching on the Romans, this book has everything you need to start work on prehistoric Britain and to lead the reader into all sorts of interesting directions.

Particularly good section on an Iron Age Village and dwellings in Scotland called, crannogs, brochs and wheelhouses. For instance a crannog is a roundhouse that stood on a jetty and Loch Tay there were 18 crannogs.

We suggest the book for 6 – 9 year olds and beyond.

Great new series from QED Publishing and is part of their new books published in November 2015.

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout

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The Snowman and the Sun

Snowman and the sunThe Snowman and the Sun is written by Susan Taghdis and illustrated by Ali Mafakheri.

It is a delightful story about a snowman and his journey. You may think that a snowman stays firmly put on the ground. But in fact in this story the sun warms him and first of all he melts and then he evaporates and climbs high into the sky.

He turns into a cloud drifting free in the sky until it gets cold again and he falls as snow on the ground. Along come the children and once again he becomes a snowman.

A story about change and an explanation about how water is everywhere, the water cycle explained for young children.

The book is translated by Azita Rassi and published by the brilliant new publishers Tiny Owl, publishers to watch out for.

We recommend this book for 3- 7 years, either reading together or late on their own.

Sue Martin – Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout

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Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Natural History Museum Dino Dinners and Woolly Mammoth

Dino DinnersA wonderful new series from Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom published by Frances Lincoln in connection with the Natural History Museum.

Dino Dinners – Who eats What and Who eats Who? A big question if you are a dinosaur fan. Triceratops? He eats plants, but with 6 tons of muscle, he is a very dangerous veggie!

Woolly Mammoth – How did they survive in ice age cold? A gentle giant but if angry they can become a battering ram of tusks and steaming shaggy hair.

The books are beautifully illustrated and on each page there are interesting facts.

A great series for KS1 and beyond.Woolly Mammoth

We recommend for ages 5 – 9 years

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers

Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.

Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Tutankhamun’s Tomb

An amazing visual adventure through the tomb of Egypt’s most famous Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. This hard back book is full of inviting flaps and pop ups as you journey through the Kingdom of the Nile and the Valley of the Kings.

The journey with the archaeologist, Howard Carter in 1922 takes place as he discovers the steps leading down into the tomb, which had not been walked on for over 3000 years, and as he glimpsed the treasures that lay in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

TutankhamunWritten by Jen Green and Julie Renee Anderson and published by QED, this book is a real gem of a book for design, information and readability.

Each page is packed with facts in intriguing layout of the text, there are lots of opportunities for learning and adventure. The book would be an invaluable tool for KS2 work on the Egyptians or as a book at home or in the library for an avid explorer.

My favourite page was about Sailing across the Heavens, and a pop up model of a boat that was in the tomb for Tutankhamun to use to sail into the heavens. Sailing was important for the Egyptians and they believed that even the gods sailed in boats.

Packed from start to finish the information in the book will give those who read it a real interest and understanding about Tutankhamun and the Ancient Egyptians.

We recommend the book for 8 years to adult and beyond!

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout

Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.

Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Busy People Series

FirefighterIt’s a busy day for Frank the Firefighter. There’s a fire at the school, the guinea pig is still inside!

This is a great series of books from publishers QED. From firefighters, teachers, vets and doctors, the words and the pictures are very clear, easy to follow and have a good story line too.

The text is well laid out and with enough space between the words and on the page for early readers to be able to follow themselves.

They are a great reassurance too for children when they have to meet ‘busy people’ and will take away some of the worries that can happen.

They are a great resource in nurseries and schools.

QED publishing has an amazing range of titles for schools, libraries and for reading at home. They sell their titles across the world and produce books that are good quality and great fun .Image 2

We recommend the Busy People from QED series for 2- 5 years.

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers – the best in children’s books always on line

Dolphin rt

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Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Cezanne and the Apple Boy

cezanneThis is a story of a father and son and their relationship, and a story about a genius with a new style of painting, Cezanne and the Apple Boy.

It is the seventh book in Laurence Anholt acclaimed Anholt’s Artist Series and is published by Frances Lincoln.

The illustrations are really engaging, romantic and expressive and as Paul the son finds Paul, his father, they live off apples as he paints scenes in the mountains.

Eventually the work of Cezanne became recognised as a new style and as the work of a genius even though he was never a person to live within the normal confines of society. He preferred the mountains to the towns.

His son became a picture dealer and sold his father’s paintings all over the world.

A truly remarkable story about Cezanne with information about his life as a painter and a story that will stay in your thoughts.

A great book for anyone and for schools and libraries. We recommend it for children ages 7 – 11 years.

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers – the best in children’s books always on line

Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.

Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Let’s Talk about Art
at The Royal College of Art

Sch of ArtOn a wet and windy autumnal evening I walked into the Royal College of Art for the making and creating of the book, The School of Art, published by Wide Eyed Editions.

Hosted by Ibby and Books for Keeps, this was a wonderful way to spend the evening.

Professor Teal Triggs and RCA graduate, Daniel Frost were sitting on the floor of the podium in front of the poster,I was early, and it was a good chance to take a photo and have a pre chat before the event.Image 2

With a glass of wine in my hand more people started to join the group and the lecture started.

Both Teal and Danny had a strong sense of enjoyment in developing the book, and the magic of the book was shown in their love of portrayals of the professors of different aspects; Professor of Ideas, Professor of Senses, Professor of Making and Professor of the Planets.

The design for the Professor of Ideas in a cloud with her ideas around her in the very comfy chair,was inspired by Daniel.

Teal said that the characters led the narrative and the concept for Professor of Ideas, for instance, was of an Edwardian woman ‘who knew her own mind but was not afraid to wear a string of pearls.’

Publishers Wide Eyed Editions have another success in this book, for the inspiration for the idea and the creating of such a beautiful book, with especial praise for Jenny Broom, editor.

Recommended for children, 7-9, 9-12 years by

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout

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Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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The School of Art by Teal Triggs and illustrated by Daniel Frost

Image 4This large and impressive looking book is full of surprises and I have spent simply ages finding out so many different aspects about art and being an artist.

It starts with the introduction to five professors and their talents, then goes to the 40 lessons to explore new and different ways to make your own creative work.

There are loads of activities to look at flat shapes and three dimensional, patterns and colours…

There is a section, for instance on repetition and rhythm in art, making patterns that are aesthetically pleasing. I loved the section on experimentation and being creative.

Written by Teal Triggs illustrated by Daniel Frost, published by Wide Eyed Editions

This book is well worth the money, it isn’t expensive at £14.99 and would make an excellent present, be a great book in school, for the art room or the library and in the home bookshelf.

But don’t be surprised if it spends more time on the coffee table than on the shelves!

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers – Best Children’s Books always on line

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Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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Take a Shape

Image 3New series by Britta Teckentrup, published by Words and Pictures, part of the Quarto Group.

Four beautiful books about shapes, circle, line, square and triangle. The books are well laid out for young children and the pictures are engaging and give some good text to support the pictures.

They will support young children in developing language and context about shapes and will be a valuable addition to the classroom and also in the home.

Britta lives in Berlin and is a graduate of the Royal College of Art and has published over 60 children’s books in 20 countries. A real achievement and her work can be seen on her website.


Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.

Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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The Fire Children

Image 2A West African Folk Tale which has been retold by Eric Maddern and illustrated by Frane Lessac.

An intriguing West African creation myth looking at the question of why some people are black and some are white, and others different shades?

The ‘ first spirit people’ who found that they were lonely decided to solve their loneliness by filling the earth with children of all colours under the sun.

‘ Now the spirit people breathed life into the fire children. One by one they awoke, yawned, stretched and opened their eyes, just like children waking up in the morning. Then they stood up and went off to play.’

Frances Lincoln have published another good title which will compliment school libraries and your collection at home too.

Sue Martin – Dolphin Booksellers, The Best in Children’s Books on-line.

Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.

Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.

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