House Held up By Trees
By Ted Kooser
and illustrated by Jon Klassen is new this month from Walker Books UK.
Have you ever played in a house in the trees? Maybe you have a rope ladder that only you could climb. Or even a very special tree that was nearly flat and let you climb right up into its branches.
This very moving story in a picture book format has beautiful illustrations and leaves you with a real feeling of time moving on.
‘When the house was new, not a single tree remained on its perfect lawn to give shade from the sun. The children in the house trailed the scent of wild trees to neighbouring lots, where thick bushes offered secret places to play. When the children grew up and moved away, their father, alone in the house, continued his battle against blowing seeds, plucking out sprouting trees – until one day he, too, moved away. Then, as the empty house began its decline, the trees began to take over. At once wistful and exhilarating, this lovely, lyrical story evokes the inexorable passage of time – and the awe-inspiring power of nature to lift us up.’
Walker Books UK
A book to share or to read alone. but definitely a book that will leave you with past lingering memories.
Ted Kooser, US Poet Laureat for 2004 – 2006, a poet and essayist and writes across genres in amazing ways.
This book available from Amazon.co.uk here.
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