Tundra Mouse Mountain is a beautifully written book by Riita Jalonen and illustrated in pastel style by Kristiina Louhi. It has an endearing and dreamy quality.
We are very pleased to have donated some copies, this month, to the Finnish Embassy for Imagine Stories at Southbank Centre, London.
Tundra Mouse Mountain is a book about a journey, a journey to the Arctic with Sari and her mother, to fulfill her childhood promise.
‘What will you dream about tonight, Sari’ says her Mum. I’ll dream about bears or elk calves’, replies Sari.’

And in the illustration we see Sari riding a large brown bear, and then a reindeer who stares and stares. Did you know that if you stare long enough at a reindeer, it will go to sleep? Maybe we should try it next time we are face to face with a reindeer.
Imagine: A Nordic Childhood takes place at the Southbank Centre from the 9th Feb – 19th Feb and is well worth a visit. Stop and take a look at the childrens Nordic books when you are there.
Interesting facts from the Southbank Centre website:
‘Many of the 5.5 million children who live in the Nordic countries are said to be the happiest in the world.
In 2013, UNICEF listed Norway, Iceland, Finland and Sweden as four of the top five places on the planet to be a child. Some of the Nordic countries top the charts when it comes to education, while others are considered the best places to be a mother.’
Worth spending time there, we are making a visit to The Southbank Centre and maybe even Finland!
Sue Martin
Books Go Walkabout
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