All Genevieve wanted was for her Dad, who she imagined to be a king in a castle, to be waiting for her as the princess. So, she wouldn’t go to the beach with friends, ” Princesses don’t like beaches” she would say.
In fact she was afraid to go near the water, as her father was lost at sea.
This is a beautiful book, the illustrations are breath-taking and the story of restoration to friendship for a small child is perfect.
The Princess and the Castle is written and illustrated by Caroline Binch and is republished as a launch title for Otter-Barry Books. Caroline is the illustrator of Amazing Grace and won the Smarties Prize for illustrating Hue Boy.
Otter-Barry Books is an exciting new children’s imprint aiming to make a difference,push boundaries and publish books that children will love.
The Princess and the Castle is one of my favourite books and is definitely for reading alone or together at home or in school or the library.
Sue Martin Dolphin BookSellers and Books Go Walkabout

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