Amundsens’ Way – Race to the South Pole, is Joanna’s second stunning book about the Antarctic explorers of the early 19 Century. Roald Amundsen was determined, heroic and courageous but not best liked but he did win the race to the South Pole in 1911.
Joanna’s skill shines through beyond the words as she writes with intrigue and knowledge about the stories and challenges on this epic but cruel journey. Her understanding of Amundsen details his faults as well as his abilities, and although she admires his courage, his methods were often very hard.
Amundsen’s Way is Joanna’s second novel of narrative non-fiction, her first Into the White – Scott’s Antarctic Odyssey, is hugely successful and was a finalist for the New Zealand Book Awards 2018. The illustrator for both books is Sarah Lippett.
Buy this book here (Available 5th Sept 2019)
Amundsen’s Way is published by Allen and Unwin of Australia and will be released in the UK in Autumn 2019.
Books Go Walkabout is planning Joanna’s next visit to the UK and currently talking with schools and organisations on bookings in November.
Her charismatic storytelling abilities will captivate any audience of young people, it’s a great story!
Sue Martin
Bookmonitor is our news source for reviews and project information.Books go Walkabout is our international books and literacy project - connecting authors and illustrators with children and young people around the globe.
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